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Yoga La Source

Ashtanga Mysore-style

See our Mysore schedule to register for the term or for a single class.

This course is for you if you have some basic knowledge of Ashtanga primary or secondary series, and if you wish to explore technique and postures in more depth, without the constraint of conforming to the group rhythm. Unlike a "led" class where the teacher sets the rhythm for the whole group, the Mysore-style format allows you to find your own pace of practice and depth of exploration. In this format, the teacher focuses on one-on-one guidance regarding any aspect of the technique, posture or adjustments. This detailed exploration greatly increases your confidence in the practice and allows you to develop your self-practice at home.

As the course lasts 2 hours, there is enough time for asana and group pranayama, meditation and relaxation. For the asana section, you can download and bring the illustrated primary and intermediate sequences of Ashtanga yoga to class.

Schedule for Ashtanga Mysore-style

Current Term
Day Time Location Teacher
09:30 - 11:30
Walferdange Marija Details