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Yoga La Source

Sivananda Yoga (2 hrs)

Feel radiant. Experience a sublime state of deep presence and mental clarity.

This integrative approach brings together the Sivananda asana (posture) sequence, pranayama (breathing), nidra (guided relaxation), mantra and meditation to purify and balance the physical body and subtle energy system. This is for beginners and advanced students wishing to feel the deep state of one's Essence through traditional yoga.

the sun salutation followed by a postural sequence with variations

breathing exercises

a nidrā practice of deep guided relaxation


"Thank you for the great yoga session I had yesterday. The structure and composition of your session are divine. I felt so relaxed when I came home, like coming back to myself after all these years..." - I.S.

Schedule for Sivananda Yoga (2 hrs)

Summer 2024
Day Time Location Teacher
18:45 - 20:45
Strassen Alina Details

Schedule for Sivananda Yoga (2 hrs)

Autumn 2024
Day Time Location Teacher
18:30 - 20:30
Walferdange Fredric Details