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Yoga La Source


"The mantra is the bow,
The aspirant is the arrow,
And divine consciousness is the target.
Now draw the bowstring of meditation,
And hitting the target be one with it."

Mundaka Upanishad

Why meditate?

Most of the time, our mind is caught up in imagining the future or reminiscing about the past. When we reduce this mental chatter through meditation, we feel deeply present, connected, and alive. Life becomes clear, simple, and serene, and our natural state of joy immediately manifests.

To practice meditation, we withdraw our senses from the outside world and concentrate on a single focal point. It can be visual like the image of an inspiring spiritual figure. It can be auditory like a mantra which is considered to be a mystical power encased in a sound structure. It can be the breath which always exists in the present moment. It can be a thought, like the contemplation on one's deepest essence.

We offer guided meditation at 1-hour Sunday afternoon gatherings held once a month and which include breathing exercises and other preparatory practices or as part of our 1-hour Sunday 20:00 yoga nidra streaming which also takes place once a month.

If no meditation gathering is listed below, please email us your interest, and we will let you know when the next one is scheduled.

"O Traveller! O Pilgrim!
Tread the path of Truth.
Hear the voice of the Silence.
Enter the Silence."

Swami Sivananda

Weekly 1-hour "Yogic Breathing & Meditation" course

Upcoming events for Meditation

Meditation Gathering

Fredric Bender

Sun. mar. 02, 17:00 - 18:00

Xxl meditation mini 2