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Yoga La Source

Streaming Lower Back Yoga

Before Fredric began yoga, he suffered a severe lower back injury. Over 30 years in yoga, both as student and teacher, he learned many variations of traditional yoga exercises and postures that are done with the least possible stress and compression to the spine and have proved to be very effective in strengthening and stretching the appropriate muscles necessary to provide proper support for the lower back, to eliminate stiffness and to alleviate pain.

He has introduced and developed this yoga for the back course over many years, and the students have had such notable results that it has become one of the most popular courses at La Source.

"Your back yoga sessions have done miracles to my back! Thanks for that." - P.P.

Most of the exercises are done lying down to reduce spinal compression and in a slow, steady rhythm so that one develops a heightened awareness of all the sensations within the body. Between exercises, time is taken to consciously release all muscular tension. In this way, one experiences the deeply relaxing benefits of yoga.

Due to the gentle and focused nature of this class, it is also beneficial for those who are currently not involved in any active exercise program but wish to start.

"I would recommend this class to everyone, even to people without back problems. Prevention is better than cure." - N.S.

"The course is a real discovery for me, I really look forward to it every week! (which I haven’t said for any physical activity since I have my back and knee problems!)" - I.G.

More testimonials

See also Sivananda for the Back and Iyengar Restorative.

Schedule for Streaming Lower Back Yoga

Winter Term Courses
Day Time Location Teacher
18:15 - 19:30
Streaming at Home Fredric Details