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Yoga La Source

Hormone Yoga

See our Hormone Yoga schedule to register for the term or for a single class.

In the tumult of an ever-changing world, yoga practices are designed to calm and bring balance. This yoga practice is excellent for every woman looking to maintain or regain her fitness, mental health, and zest for life. It does this through a well-designed sequence of yoga postures and breathing exercises that keep the hormonal system in balance and proper functioning. It was developed by world-renowned Dinah Rodrigues.

Hormone Yoga uses very powerful abdominal breathing and internal muscle contractions to activate vital energy. It insists after each yoga posture to focus consciously on a specific area to promote the "circulation of energy" by the use of breath, concentration and visualization.

The specific area focused on is one of the hormonal glands: pituitary, thyroid, or ovaries, which are very important for balance, strength, health, youth and beauty. This practice helps to increase or balance hormone levels in order to improve one's physical condition and mental and emotional health when faced with daily stress.

The breathing practice is an important tool that can have either a stimulative or calming effect. Another aspect of the sessions is the concentration, visualisation and deep relaxation exercises (Nidrā Yoga).

For the practice to bring results, it must be done over an extended period of time. This in itself brings a great feeling of joy as the body and mind become light.

"For 5 months, I practice every day hormone yoga and all day long, I take advantage of its beneficial effects. I feel much more balanced, my immune system has regained strength...What luck to have been introduced to this source of energy!" - C.C.

See Dinah interviewed at 91 years-old in Portuguese

More testimonials

Denise Pesch of La Source was certified directly by Dinah Rodrigues and served both as her German translator and teacher assistant for several teacher trainings. (standing in black side-by-side in photo below)


As with any yoga practice, there are certain conditions to be aware of in order to maximize the benefit and avoid doing harm. Variations in both the postures and breathing exercises are always possible.

Please let us know if you have any of the following conditions to determine whether the class is suitable for you or if you should practice certain variations:

Pregnancy, hysterectomy, hormone- or non-hormone dependent breast cancer, other surgeries, mioma, endometriosis, heart condition, hypertension, osteoporosis, disc herniations, hyperthyroidism, other medical conditions.

During menstruation, the practice must be light (eventually suspended depending on your condition). Inverted postures must be avoided because they can create endometriosis. The postures can be adapted.

Recommendations for the practice

Practice with an empty stomach or several hours after a meal.

Schedule for Hormone Yoga

Winter Term Courses
Day Time Location Teacher
18:45 - 20:00
Walferdange Denise Details