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Yoga La Source

Questionnaire for Spring 2023 term

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We would like to introduce the following four new morning or lunchtime courses for the Spring term starting after Easter break to July 14th. As we need a certain number of students to register for the term, we ask feedback from those of you interested in morning or lunchtime yoga courses. Please fill out the 3-section questionnaire whose third section requests feedback on our pricing and which can be filled out without input in the first two sections.

1. Hatha Yoga - morning with Katrin Elsen

Katrin Elsen, who teaches a popular hatha yoga course in Manternach, will offer the same course with La Source.

We very much appreciate Katrin's authenticity, intuitive wisdom and deep sense of presence. We are sure you will too. Based on your interest and availability, let us know your preferences in the questionnaire: Wednesdays or Thursdays starting 9:30, 9:45 or 10:00 in Walferdange or Strassen.

2. Yoga for Aging Well - Mornings or Lunchtime in Strassen with Diana

In "Yoga for Aging Well", practice and philosophy are presented in a down-to-earth tone, inviting beginners and experienced yogis alike to start, wherever they are, building inner/outer strength and confidence. The sequence is less driven to “perfect” poses and more open to exploring meditation and breathwork.

This morning or lunchtime course taught by Diana Zagorskaya caters to active people from 55 on up. Younger than 55? Don't worry, we won't check ID. ;)

If interested, please let us know your availability for this course in the questionnaire: Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays with a start time possible at either 9:30, 9:45 or 10:00 or Fridays at lunchtime in Strassen or Fridays.

3. Yin-Yang Yoga - Morning or Lunchtime in Strassen with Diana

The practice of Yin Yang yoga helps us learn about stillness in movement and the flow in stillness.” - Sarah Powers

Yin Yang Yoga blends two styles of yoga into one practice – bringing together the benefits of passively holding yoga poses with more dynamic sequences and standing postures. The yang poses are not so vigorous as to conflict with the yin poses; rather, they build on the increased range of motion initiated by the yin poses. It will help you to find harmony between both strength and stability, as well as flexibility and freedom.

If interested, please let us know your preferences in the questionnaire: Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays with a start time possible at either 9:30, 9:45 or 10:00 or Fridays at lunchtime in Strassen or Fridays.

4. Sivananda Yoga - Friday 12:15-13:15 in Strassen with Rui

Rui taught this Friday course to a large, faithful group of students pre-pandemic in French. We would like to get it started again in English.


⇒ Please fill out questionnaire here.

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