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Yoga La Source

Ashtanga pour Tous

Samedi 25 juin 09:30 - 16:30
Dimanche 26 juin 09:30 - 16:30

This workshop is taught in English

Yoga La Source and Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg are very happy to collaborate together in the organization of this workshop with Joan Hyman.

Joan returns to Luxembourg where she will deconstruct various postures, breaking them down to their essential points with a focus on alignment to increase energy, promote strength, avoid common mistakes, and steer clear of injury. This workshop is beneficial for all regardless of the style one practices.

All levels welcome!

Day/Time Activity



Making Ashtanga Primary Series Accessible for Everyone

Joan carefully introduces to you the fundamentals of the Ashtanga yoga system in a slow, safe, and supportive way. You will learn sun salutations along with the standing postures, breathing techniques, and how to work with your bandhas to make picking up and jumping through accessible for everyone! Open to all levels, it is a great way to understand how to begin a Mysore practice and not feel overwhelmed. Joan Hyman has been practicing Ashtanga yoga for two decades and believes this fiery & intense practice is the key for unraveling your true self. Everyone can practice ashtanga yoga and receive the transformational benefits if taught properly and to the individual's body type. Understand the sequence and how to access some of the roadblocks that are in the primary series and gain tools for a self practice at the same time! We will end this practice with pranayama.



Inversions and Shoulder Stability

Healthy shoulders make for better inversions and add more longevity to your practice. With the multiple downward dogs and chatarungas of one's daily Ashtanga practice, your shoulders can be vulnerable to injury over time.

Learn how to use props and alignment cues to better understand how to stabilize your shoulders, helping you access other postures and prevent impingent. This workshop will start with a lecture pointing out the bones and muscles that make up the shoulder girdle and teach you how to move safely from your shoulder blades while protecting the vulnerable muscles like your rotator cuffs. We will then move into a shoulder-focused asana practice, which will include inversions and learn how to approach them safely by creating stability in the shoulder joint with the use of props and alignment cues. You'll learn ways to work with a strap that will help you understand how to externally rotate your shoulders, creating stability and reducing injury. Practice and learn at the same time while creating a sustainable safe yoga practice!



Backbends including Dropping Back

Discover the freedom of back bending, unlock the secrets to these deep poses, and finish your practice feeling grounded and exhilarated. We will work on the components of backbends focusing on salabhasana and ustrasana, opening the quads, hip flexors, and spending time on the core and uddiyana bandha, which can help protect the low back. We will break postures down and assist each other to gain a deeper understanding of these transformational poses in a safe and playful way. This practice will be followed by a pranayama practice to end.

More from Joan on this posture:



Injury Management

Injury Management

Understanding injuries is a crucial part of being a yoga teacher and practitioner these days. Most people that come to yoga usually have some type of injury they are working with. We will review common injuries and the anatomy involved with those injuries to help to build a healthy sequence strengthening the muscles around the surrounding area. Learn important questions and techniques to help approach injuries with more awareness and mindfulness. This will be a combination of a discussion and therapeutic practice.

Joan's Indian retreats are one of nine recommended by Yoga Journal.

See Joan's teaching at her last workshop in Luxembourg:

Joan breaking down Paravrtta Parsvakonasana:

Joan refining downdog:

Attention Yoga Teachers & Serious Students: Joan is also offering a special 3-hour clinic on how to read bodies in order to make adjustments that meet students' individual needs Friday, June 24th 15:00-18:00 before this weekend workshop. Click here for details.


This workshop is run under the auspices of INFINY asbl and only publicized by Centre de Yoga - La Source and Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg. Payment is made to INFINY, not to either yoga center.

There is a 5 € once-a-calendar-year INFINY membership fee even if you are only attending a single session. The 5 € membership fee is necessary for insurance purposes.


Each session is 70 Euros. The full workshop price is 250 Euros. 

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations are subject to a 20-Euro administration fee. Payment is fully refundable (less the administration fee) if cancellation is done no later than May 27th. 50% lost if canceled by June 10th. If you cancel after June 10th, you may only be refunded if you are able to find a replacement for your place even if your cancellation is due to an illness.

Style : Ashtanga-led

Ashtanga vinyasa est une pratique de hatha yoga transmis à Pattabhi Jois par le maître de yoga Krishnamacharya. C'est pour l'étudiant qui cherche une approche vigoureuse qui purifie, stimule et dynamise. Il est composé de postures pratiquées dans un rythme fluide, avec une respiration constante, l’attention et des contractions internes qui concentrent l’énergie vitale. Grâce à la nature dynamique de cette pratique, on se sent complètement purifié et energetisé dans chaque cellule du corps et également dans le mental. Visitez la page : Ashtanga-led.

Enseignant : Joan Hyman

Joan Hyman Joan Hyman is a dedicated, 20-year Ashtanga practitioner who is proficient in second series and recently has begun Advanced A (third series). Joan spent fifteen years as a distinguished YogaWorks Senior Teacher before bringing her expertise to Wanderlust as the Director of Teacher Trainings in 2016. Now, with over twenty years’ experience leading retreats, trainings, and international workshops, Joan continues to travel the globe leading her own signature trainings. In addition, Joan partners with yoga schools in various corners of the world on their teacher training programs. Joan’s open-hearted approach to teaching yoga keeps both her inner spirit and her students continuously evolving. Joan : Visitez sa page.

Lieu : Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg

Le stage de Joan Hyman a lieu au magnifique centre de Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg à Limpertsberg à 65, avenue de la Faïencerie. Stationnement est disponible à l'arrière du bâtiment et au Glacis. Visitez la page : Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg.