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Yoga La Source

Denise Pesch

Denise Pesch

See Denise's schedule to register for the term or for a single class.

In my youth, I assiduously followed various yoga courses here in Luxembourg. My daily practice was intense. I drew inspiration from books of BKS Iyengar and Andre van Lysbeth for hatha yoga and pranayama. I immersed myself in the Sutras of Patanjali with commentary by IK Taimni. I studied the writings of Sri Aurobindo and Ma Ananda Mayi to whom I remain faithful and who I consider my spiritual teachers.

I first followed courses in "yoga de l'énergie" and then studied for three years at the BKS Iyengar Institute in Paris under the direction of Noëlle Perez. It was this training that gave me an excellent foundation in listening, perceiving, postural knowledge, and alignment. In those days, I also took a teachers' training in yoga for pregnant women with Rosa Cochet at the House of Yoga in Paris and studied Do-in with Jean Rofidal.

In 1990, I attended the Sivananda teacher training program at the Sivananda ashram in Val Morin, Canada receiving the diploma of "Yoga SIROMANI".

In the 90's, I was introduced to and learned Ashtanga Yoga with great joy at YogaWorks in California with Maty Etzrazy, Chuck Miller, Brian Kest and other renowned teachers. I also had the opportunity in 1995 to practice Ashtanga in Mysore under the watchful eye of Patthabi Jois, the world's foremost authority of this yoga style, and his grandson Sharat. In 2003, I took an Ashtanga Teacher Training with Manju Jois, Patthabi's son. Several Ashtanga trainings with Nancy Gilgoff taught me how to gently adjust the Ashtanga postures.

"I wanted to tell you, Denise, that your class makes me feel so well and I am always happy when it is Wednesday and I can savor this moment of is my little moment to myself and I feel so well after! A true happiness." - A.B.

From 2006 to 2010, I completed a teachers training program in Nidrā Yoga with Andre Riehl. In 2007, I completed the Sadhana Intensive at the Sivananda Ashram in France receiving the diploma of "Yoga Bhaskara"

Since 2008, I practice and teach Hormone Yoga that I learned with Dinah Rodrigues, author of her internationally recognized method. I helped in the workshops she gives in Germany as both translator and assistant in the teacher trainings.

In 2016, I took a teacher training with Srivatsa Ramaswami in Vinyasa Krama.

I have been teaching yoga courses since 1984. In 1991, I founded Centre de Yoga - La Source, and I co-direct it with the invaluable assistance of Fredric Bender since 1995.

I have a degree in applied kinesiology, Brain-Gym, and Touch-for-Health from Ifka and the Belgian Institute of Kinesiology. I am a Reiki Master/Teacher since 1998. I use these techniques as well as everything that I learn through yoga and life in the individual sessions that I offer - Opening to the Self - which give one an attitude that leads to the feeling of easiness, lightness, and joy in life. It is precisely this experience that made me love yoga from the beginning.

"You have been for me an extraordinary teacher, Denise, and I thank you for that. The Ashtanga and the relaxation classes as well as the individual session of 'Opening to the Self' have helped me tremendously to find serenity and courage in life." - F.K.

Articles by Denise in our "Learning Corner"

(Languages: English, Français, Deutsch, Lëtzebuergesch)

Schedule for Denise Pesch

Winter Term Courses
Day Time Style Location
10:00 - 11:30
Sivananda yoga Français Strassen Details
18:30 - 19:45
Lower back yoga Français Strassen Details
19:50 - 21:20
Sivananda yoga Français Strassen Details
10:00 - 11:30
Rise & Shine Yoga Français Walferdange Details
18:30 - 20:00
Sivananda yoga Français Strassen Details
18:45 - 20:00
Hormone yoga Walferdange Details