Stage week-end d'Ashtanga: de l'extérieur à l'intérieur
Vendredi 25 septembre 09:00 - 16:30
Yogis take flight......
This fun workshop explores the lifting-up component of our practice with bandhas, jumping, and handstands!
All levels are welcome!
See Yoga Journal videos of Joan's teaching:
Primary Series with focus on the Sun Salutation
Saturday, September 26th, 9:00-12:00
Joan leads a primary series class, taking time to break down the Sun Salutation with special emphasis on jumping back and forward as well as linking movement to the Ujjayi breath. Special attention is also paid to "lift ups".
Backbending and Inversions
Saturday, September 26th, 14:30-16:30
Joan helps students find freedom in back-bending. She unlocks the secrets to these sometimes challenging poses, so you leave feeling grounded and open at the same time. This is an intense 2-hour practice, breaking down the backbends of the 2nd series and exploring the world of dropping back. This practice is for intermediate to advanced students and inversions are included. It is taught workshop-style so we break postures down and look at bodies to gain a deeper understanding of these transformational poses: Kapotasana, Pincha Mayurasana, Urdhva Dhanursana, and drop-backs. Joan will also assist students in different ways of entering and exiting handstands in preparation for Sunday afternoon's program of sustaining long headstands and shoulderstands.
Sunday, September 27th, 9:00-11:00
A Mysore-style class where students who know the primary and/or second series can practice comfortably at their own rhythm while Joan circulates through the room providing hands-on adjustments and further personal instruction.
Inversions: Headstand & Shoulderstand
Sunday, September 27th, 14:30-16:30
Inversions are an important part of our practice creating profound shifts within our nervous system and brain preparing us for meditation. Headstand and shoulderstand are referred to as the king and queen of all yoga asanas and are included in the finishing series of Ashtanga yoga. Headstand is referred to as the king of all poses developing masculine qualities of will power, steadiness and clarity of the brain, while shoulderstand develops the feminine qualities of patience and emotional stability.
When performed together these opposite effects create a strong sense of balance. In this workshop, we will break down the important parts of learning to hold headstand and shoulder-stand and protecting the neck by strengthening the shoulder girdle. We will use pincha mayurasana and handstands as prep poses to work us up to a long headstand. This will prepare you to move into the higher limbs of Ashtanga Yoga – Pranayama & Meditation. All levels welcome!
Four sessions are scheduled from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon.
INFINY Membership fee
There is a 5 € membership fee if you have not participated in another INFINY asbl workshop in 2015 even if you are only attending a single session. The 5 € membership fee is necessary for insurance purposes.
4 Sessions: 150 € or 35 € per each 2 hour individual session or 50 Euros for the 3-hour Saturday morning session, plus 5 € for 2015 INFINY membership
Download the enrollment form. Mail, e-mail, or bring it to class as well as to make payment to reserve your place. Please note that this workshop is run under the auspices of INFINY asbl and only publicized by Centre de Yoga - La Source.
Cancellation Policy
Payment is fully refundable if cancellation is done no later than September 1st. 50% lost if canceled by September 14th. If you cancel after September 14th, you may only be refunded if you are able to find a replacement for your place.
This workshop is run under the auspices of INFINY asbl and only publicized by Centre de Yoga - La Source. Upon registration, please make payment to:
IBAN LU56 0020 1875 9477 2200 Swift Code: BILL LULL
Style : Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga vinyasa est une pratique de hatha yoga transmis à Pattahbi Jois par le grand maître de yoga Krishnamacharya. C'est pour l'étudiant qui cherche une approche vigoureuse qui purifie, stimule et dynamise. Il est composé de postures pratiquées dans un rythme fluide, avec une respiration constante, l’attention et des contractions internes qui concentrent l’énergie vitale. Grâce à la nature dynamique de cette pratique, on se sent complètement purifié et energetisé dans chaque cellule du corps et également dans le mental. Visitez la page : Ashtanga yoga.
Enseignant : Joan Hyman
Joan Hyman is a dedicated, 20-year Ashtanga practitioner who is proficient in second series and recently has begun Advanced A (third series). Joan spent fifteen years as a distinguished YogaWorks Senior Teacher before bringing her expertise to Wanderlust as the Director of Teacher Trainings in 2016. Now, with over twenty years’ experience leading retreats, trainings, and international workshops, Joan continues to travel the globe leading her own signature trainings. In addition, Joan partners with yoga schools in various corners of the world on their teacher training programs. Joan’s open-hearted approach to teaching yoga keeps both her inner spirit and her students continuously evolving.
Joan : Visitez sa page.
Lieu : Bereldange
15a, am Becheler, Bereldange. Avec son plancher de bois, sol chauffé, ses hauts plafonds et une vue sur les jardins, la salle polyvalante de Club Haus am Becheler est un endroit calme et idyllique pour nos cours de yoga. Visitez la page : Bereldange.