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Yoga La Source

Sahaj Atma: Musique qui illumine l'âme

Vendredi 25 janvier 19:00 - 20:30
Samedi 26 janvier 10:00 - 13:00

Watch Manish's program in Luxembourg, 2019

Friday evening Indian music concert followed by a Saturday morning mantra chanting workshop with Manish Vyas.

Day/Time Activity



Indian Music Concert: "Sahaj Atma: Music that illuminates the Soul"

Manish Vyas' music is that of joy, meditation, and silence. The range that he and his band cover through vocals and Indian instruments (tabla, santoor, harmonium, keyboards, tanpura, swarmandal, bansuri, sitar) gives rise to different flavors: from devotional prayers, mantras, and songs of love; raising up the rhythm to Kirtan music, followed by uplifting dance-celebration music – to finally return to the meditative shanti (peaceful) music. In this way, covering the whole range of emotions through musical expression. Manish is one of the few earnest kirtan and mantra singers in the West who has the true deep understanding of Indian music and keeps its authenticity most gracefully, with true respect to Indian music.

Manish will be accompanied on sitar by Hindol Deb, born into an Indian family of folk musicians and student of Pandit Deepak Chowdhury, a senior disciple of Maestro Ravi Shankar. (See bio

Come join us for a beautiful evening that will open your heart and bring you in tune with your soul.

The Friday evening concert will be held at Hindu Forum Luxembourg (link) at 219 rue de Beggen in Beggen. Doors open 18:30. No admission after 19:00. Please bring a cushion to sit on the carpeted floor. There are also chairs for those who need. Please print out and bring the ticket sent to you in the "final details" email sent to you a few days before the concert.

See Manish's YouTube channel for more music videos.



Mantra Workshop: "Naad Shakti, The Power of Indian Sacred Sounds"

Mantra is a sound, a vibration - and the correct vibration is like a key which can unlock a higher dimension. In the science of mantra, meanings are not so important as ‘meanings’ belong to the sphere of the mind. A mantra comes from the source of creation and when the transmission is pure, then it can become a transformative force.

The workshop combines theory and practical activities. The participants leave with tools to apply techniques with mantras in their life, in yoga, in meditation, for promoting good sleep, for relaxation. It gives the right understanding and the necessary tools to relate to this ancient mantras.

Read more on mantras by Manish Vyas - pdf download

Overview of points covered in the workshop:

  • Introduction to mantras and how mantras are used in India - technically and devotionally
  • Why sound is healing and why it is great to use the right sounds for meditation and pranayam
  • What is the science behind the mantra and the technique to make the practice effective
  • Preparation for chanting / explanation of rasa or spirit given to the music
  • Sanskrit and the importance of mantra pronunciation
  • Mantra and Kirtan - how it originated, how it is actually used in India
  • Music for elevation v. music for entertainment
  • Mythology behind mantras
  • How to approach mantras in meditation and for daily practice
  • Relation between mantra and breath: practice of one pranayam with mantra
  • Chanting with harmonium / Use of tanpura
  • Introduction and singing together of different mantras
  • Q&A and comments
  • Closing mantra
  • Tea and informal final open talk
The Saturday morning mantra workshop will take place in the salle polyvalente at Haus am Becheler (link) in Bereldange. Please bring a blanket and cushion to sit on the parquet floor. There will be some chairs for those who need.

What to bring

On Friday evening at Hindu Forum Luxembourg in Beggen, please bring a cushion to sit on the floor, although there are some chairs for those in need. For Saturday's mantra workshop at Haus am Becheler in Bereldange, please bring a blanket and cushion to sit on the parquet floor. There will also be some chairs for those who need. Please print out and bring the ticket sent to you in the "final details" email sent to you a few days before the concert.

Cancellation Policy

For those with tickets, there are no refunds available at this late date even in case of illness. However, your ticket is transferable.

Style : Nāda Yoga

Il y a en chacun de nous quelque chose de sacré qui vibre en parfaite harmonie avec l'univers. Cependant, la cacophonie de nos pensées nous empêche de jouir de cette harmonie intérieure. Nāda Yoga nous apprend à nous élever au-dessus de ce bruit, à pénétrer plus profondément dans notre cœur et à découvrir l'inépuisable source de paix intérieure et de force qui y règne. Visitez la page : Nāda yoga.

Enseignant : Manish Vyas

Manish Vyas Manish is one of the few earnest kirtan and mantra singers in the West who has the true deep understanding of Indian music and keeps its authenticity most gracefully, with true respect to Indian music. Besides performing concerts and workshops, he also teaches Indian music, mantra singing, harmonium, and tabla. Manish : Visitez sa page.

Lieu : Bereldange

15a, am Becheler, Bereldange. Avec son plancher de bois, sol chauffé, ses hauts plafonds et une vue sur les jardins, la salle polyvalante de Club Haus am Becheler est un endroit calme et idyllique pour nos cours de yoga. Visitez la page : Bereldange.