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Yoga La Source

Intro à Vinyasa Krama Yoga: Un Yoga pour Tous (2 hr)

commençant le Samedi 28 septembre 2024 à 16:00

Cet atelier de 2 heures est enseigné en anglais.

Vinyasa Krama Yoga is an authentic and traditional system of yoga in the lineage of Sri T Krishnamacharya. It should not be confused with "Vinyasa Flow". It is appropriate for all regardless of age, experience, and physical condition.

The system places a strong emphasis on coordinating breathing with movement. The specific ujjayi breathing supports the deep breath and gentle activation of deep core muscles, while the movements are performed slowly. This way of practice invites gradual smoothening of the breath, progressive relaxation of the body, and brings the mind into a greater state of concentration. The student is thus prepared to sit with steadiness and comfort for the more subtle practices of pranayama and meditation. The yogasana under this system is practiced based on twelve major sequences. Each sequence contains a classic yoga posture and its numerous variations (vinyasa). The sequences are designed with a natural progression of difficulty (krama) for anyone to start at whatever age and level without straining or forcing the body.

This introductory session will guide students into experiencing this unique process of gradually bringing breath, body and mind in alignment through a few representative asana sequences of the system. The class will finish with a simple pranayama and meditation. The session will allow ample time for questions, clarifications and discussion, so that students are prepared to join group classes with solid understanding of foundations of Krisnamacarya’s system of teaching.

“Vinyasa krama strictly follows the most complete definition of classical yoga. Yoga is typically defined in two ways: In one definition it is defined as union, or yukti in Sanskrit; in the other, it is mental peace or samadhana (samadhi). By using the breath as a harness, vinyasa krama yoga integrates body and mind and so is the yoga of union. And because the mind follows the breath, the mind is made part of the whole process and achieves an elevated level of mental peace (samadhana). Thus the undercurrent of peace and joy is established permanently.”

Srivatsa Ramaswami, The Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga


Le prix normal est 30 Euros. Le tarif préférentiel est 26 Euros jusqu'au 21 septembre.

Conditions d'annulation

Le paiement est remboursable si l'annulation est effectuée au plus tard le 21 septembre. Si vous annulez après le 21 septembre, nous vous rembourserons uniquement si vous trouvez un remplaçant.

Style : Vinyasa Krama Yoga

Vinyasa Krama Yoga développe la force et la flexibilité. Elle améliore la circulation du sang, de la lymphe et de l'énergie de vie (prana). C’est une façon simple, agréable et efficace d'exercer toutes les articulations, les muscles et les tissus du corps sans surcharger le cœur. Les mouvements sont lents et synchronisés avec la respiration. La respiration (ujjayi) concentre le mental et l’amène dans un état de paix. En mettant l'accent sur la respiration et le mouvement synchronisé, Vinyasa yoga prépare l'élève à une assise stable et confortable pour les pratiques plus subtiles de pranayama et de méditation incluses dans chaque séance. L'ensemble du processus transforme peu à peu le corps et le mental, dissolvant les anciens schémas de tension mentale et des schémas dysfonctionnels de mouvement. Visitez la page : Vinyasa Krama Yoga.

Enseignant : Marija Bjekovic

Marija Bjekovic Marija's teaching path started after the completion of 200 hours Ashtanga yoga teacher training with John Scott and Lucy Crawford Scott in 2015. Over the years, she found the grounding for both her studies and teaching in the legacy of Sri T. Krishnamcharya, the father of modern yoga and a pioneer in yoga therapy. She has been studying his legacy through the lens of his two long-term students, Srivatsa Ramaswami and A.G. Mohan. She is currently completing a 300 hours Svastha Yoga Therapy Foundations program with A.G. Mohan and his family. The practice has shown her that strength, stability and flexibility are qualities to be found at other levels than purely physical. The physical form is paradoxically merely the background for contemplation of constant interplay and alignment of energies within. When she teaches in Ashtanga vinyasa context, she does so from an understanding that such a layered practice is primarily meant as a framework to start cultivating subtle breath and calm mind. The physical aspect of practice can and should be individualized, without compromising the more profound nature of the practice. She loves to encourage students to explore the practice from such a perspective, and to support them in growing a sustainable and nourishing yoga practice through different fluctuations of life. Marija : Visitez sa page.

Lieu : Strassen

Notre centre à Strassen propose des cours de hatha yoga pour tous les niveaux dans les lignées indiennes du Sivananda, de l'Ashtanga et du Vinyasa Krama. Nous y proposons également du Yin Yoga, synthèse du Tao Yin et du hatha, des cours spécialisés pour les personnes souffrant de problèmes de dos et pour les 50 ans et plus, ainsi que des ateliers. Avec le plancher en chêne, une ambiance chaleureuse, le centre est un havre de la vie urbaine, situé sur la route d'Arlon près de la rue de Reckenthal. Visitez la page : Strassen.