Thursdays 18:15-19:30
Streaming Lower Back Yoga
Streaming Lower Back Yoga
Lower back yoga strengthens and stretches all muscles that are responsible for a healthy, vital spine in a way that minimizes stress and compression to the spine. The exercises are done in a slow, steady rhythm so that one develops a heightened awareness of all the sensations within the body. This allows one to experience the deeply relaxing benefits of yoga. Due to the gentle and focused nature of this course, it is also beneficial for those who are currently not involved in any active exercise program but wish to start. More details
Fredric Bender

Fredric has been teaching yoga for 30 years and has been co-director of Centre de Yoga - La Source since 1995. He started yoga in 1987 and took the Sivananda teachers training in 1990. Due to his own back injuries before yoga, he developed a sequence of yoga variations that form the cornerstone of his popular lower back yoga program. In 2006, he organized and completed a 4-year 500-hour teacher training program in the Nidrā Yoga of Kashmir Shaivism with André Riehl which was completed in 2010. Featured on the cover of Luxembourg's Revue Magazine for an interview on yoga meditation and invited to lead meditation programs at Fortune 500 companies' global retreats. Please read his articles on yoga in our "Learning Corner". More details
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