Tuesdays 19:30-21:00
Sivananda Yoga
Sivananda Yoga
Sivananda Yoga is the style of hatha yoga within the lineage of Sivananda Saraswati. It is for the student seeking inner tranquility and centeredness. In a Sivananda class, after warming up the joints, we do the sun salutation, a cardio-vascular exercise, to warm up the whole body and awaken vital energy. This is followed by 12 core postures and their variations to channel and concentrate that vital energy. Between each posture, the student relaxes for a short time which allows for the vital energy to be reabsorbed. After the postural sequence, we practice yogic breathing exercises to tune ourselves inward. This is followed by a long guided relaxation and brief seated meditation. This sequence brings about the overall sense of harmony and well-being one feels after class. Regardless of whether a student comes into class tired or stressed, the balanced nature of the Sivananda sequence renders that student calm and lucid. More details
Fredric Bender

Fredric has been teaching yoga for 30 years and has been co-director of Centre de Yoga - La Source since 1995. He started yoga in 1987 and took the Sivananda teachers training in 1990. Due to his own back injuries before yoga, he developed a sequence of yoga variations that form the cornerstone of his popular lower back yoga program. In 2006, he organized and completed a 4-year 500-hour teacher training program in the Nidrā Yoga of Kashmir Shaivism with André Riehl which was completed in 2010. Featured on the cover of Luxembourg's Revue Magazine for an interview on yoga meditation and invited to lead meditation programs at Fortune 500 companies' global retreats. Please read his articles on yoga in our "Learning Corner". More details
15a, am Becheler, Bereldange. With heated wood floors, high ceilings and a view of the gardens, Club Haus am Becheler's "salle polyvalente" is a quiet and idyllic place for our yoga classes. See location & map
What to bring
- Practice in comfortable clothing. There is a changing room at this location.
- Please bring your own mat. See selection to order.
- Info for your first yoga class