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Yoga La Source

Sivananda for the Back

This course is based on the Sivananda sequence of sun salutation and postures with variations to assist those with back problems. By slowing down the pace of a regular class, we bring more awareness into small details of postures and exercises. You learn to support your back through strength adjustments and developing flexibility.

It is taught by Claudia who, as a kiné, is familiar with the physiology of various back conditions and can personalize the practice for those in need. Over the years, it has become one of our most popular courses for those with back problems and even those without.

It varies from our other "lower back yoga" course which does not follow a traditional sequence. "Lower back yoga" does not offer a sun salutation. Most practices are done lying supine on the floor to stabilize the lumbar discs while strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, legs, and hips and also stretching to decompress the lumbar vertebra.

See also Yoga for the Back.