Prana Kriya
"Where there is breathing, there is thinking. Where there is thinking, there is breathing. When one is active, the other is active. When one perishes, the other perishes. If these two perish, the state of liberation is attained."
Svatmarama - Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Prana Kriya, also known as the "Eight Breaths", is one of 19 spiritual practices from Kashmiri Shaivism which takes from both the Advaita Vedanta and Tantric traditions. Prana means vital energy. Kriya means: (1) spontaneous action; (2) purification technique. Prana Kriya is a purification practice that uses dynamic breathing along with the application of bandhas and visualisations to purify the energy body systematically from the pelvic floor to the crown of the head. The experience brings one more easily into an elevated state of consciousness with a feeling of joy, clear perception, and a tremendous feeling of being alive.
The practice is done in the early morning on an empty stomach (no food or fluid beforehand). Fredric teaches this as part of a Saturday 8:15-11:00 workshop intensive in Walferdange two to three times each term which includes one hour of prana kriya, one hour of asana, and 45 minutes of nidra yoga and meditation. See the "Events" page for the next workshop. If none is listed, email us with your interest, and Fredric will inform you of the next workshop. It is open to those who have practiced hatha yoga for at least one year.