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Yoga La Source

City center: avenue Marie-Thérèse

See our City schedule to register for the term or for a single class.

Konviktsgaard - Résidence Grand-Duchesse Charlotte

11, av. Marie-Thérèse, Luxembourg city

Facing a garden, this quiet "salle de gymnastique", situated on level minus 2, is perfectly situated for a yoga class a few blocks from the city center and Belair.

by car:

Free underground parking is available.

by bus:

Situated within a 5-minute walk from the Luxembourg City main bus station "Hamilius", there is also a bus stop just in front of the residence. Input "Luxembourg, Avenue Marie-Thérèse 11" in the app.

Google map:

click map for directions - NOTE: Google lists the location point as "5a". The location point is correct, but it should read "11", not "5a".

Schedule for City center: avenue Marie-Thérèse

Winter Term Courses
Day Time Style Teacher
18:30 - 20:00
Ashtanga-led Nathalie Details