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Yoga La Source

Kathy Cooper Ashtanga workshop

Vendredi 07 mars 19:00 - 16:30

Ce stage est enseigné en anglais.

With a lifetime of experience, Kathy invites students to develop both softness and strength in their Ashtanga practice. Come join us for a beautiful experience at Kathy's fifth workshop in Luxembourg! This year she will give two consecutive workshops and in between 5 early morning Mysore style practice classes where students practice independently at their own pace. Kathy will give individual attention and adjustments along with Jacob Handwerker, her long-time personal assistant.

Both workshops will have a similar track of primary series, intermediate series and Mysore style classes. The asana clinics will differ as follows: primary series in the first workshop and intermediate series in the second workshop. 


Day Time Activity
Friday 19:00-21:00 Kathy will give a breathing class with an introduction to Ashtanga pranayama with kumbhaka (breath retention).*
Saturday: Group 1 8:00-10:00 Led class, primary series. Kathy will instruct participants through the standing, sitting, back-bending and inversion sequences of the primary series.
Saturday: Group 2 10:15-12:15 Led class, intermediate series. The rhythm of the class will be adapted to the students' abilities.
Saturday 12:15-14:30 lunch
Saturday 14:30-16:30 Asana clinic (Groups 1 & 2)* - 2 hours of alignment principals of the asanas of the primary series like Suryanamaskara, standing, forward-bending and finishing poses. (This session is open to students of all yoga styles.)
Sunday: Group 1 8:00-10:00 Mysore-style. Here, students practice the primary or intermediate series on their own while Kathy circulates to give hands-on adjustments 
Sunday: Group 2 10:15-12:15 Led class, primary series. Kathy will instruct participants through the standing, sitting, back-bending and inversion sequences of the primary series.
Sunday 12:15-14:30 lunch
Sunday 14:30-16:30 Continuation of the Saturday Asana clinic (Groups 1 & 2)* - 2 hours of primary series poses and back-bending with principals of alignment. (This is open to students of all yoga styles.)

* The Friday evening and afternoon programs apply to all yoga styles, not just Ashtanga, and so we allow students of all styles to participate.

Cancellation Policy

Payment is fully refundable if cancellation is done no later than February 13th. 50% lost if canceled by February 27th. If you cancel after February 27th, you may only be refunded if you are able to find a replacement for your place.


"I have been teaching Ashtanga Yoga for 35 years. In that time, I have taught less than a dozen people the entire four series. One of these people was Kathy Cooper. She began practicing with me in 1976. Kathy is a true yogini. Her practice and her personality are beautiful and an inspiration to everyone who meets her. She is as nice a person as you will ever meet. Whenever I am asked to recommend a yoga teacher in the San Francisco area, without hesitation, I always recommend Kathy first. She is the best." - David Williams (

"I’ve known Kathy Cooper for approximately 32 years. She is one of a handful of Ashtanga Yoga practioners who have learned the Advanced A and B sequences. She has maintained a consistent practice as well. Kathy is also a gifted yoga teacher who is gentle, compassionate, observant, thorough and kind in her approach to teaching. I have often recommended her to individuals and groups that I have taught Yoga to. Everyone who I have recommended Kathy to as a teacher has been very thankful to meet and work with her." - Danny Paradise (

"Kathy is very qualified to teach Ashtanga Yoga. Through years of practice, Kathy has shown her love and understanding of the Ashtanga method taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. She is excellent at taking beginning students safely into the practice, as well as teaching the more advanced practitioners. I have no hesitation in recommending her." - Nancy Gilgoff

"Kathy Cooper is the Grand Madam of Ashtanga Yoga." - Tim Miller

Style : Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga vinyasa est une pratique de hatha yoga transmis à Pattahbi Jois par le grand maître de yoga Krishnamacharya. C'est pour l'étudiant qui cherche une approche vigoureuse qui purifie, stimule et dynamise. Il est composé de postures pratiquées dans un rythme fluide, avec une respiration constante, l’attention et des contractions internes qui concentrent l’énergie vitale. Grâce à la nature dynamique de cette pratique, on se sent complètement purifié et energetisé dans chaque cellule du corps et également dans le mental. Visitez la page : Ashtanga yoga.

Enseignant : Kathy Cooper

Kathy Cooper Kathy brings an informed, deep, long-time practice of 40 years to her Ashtanga teaching, supporting practitioners to strengthen their core/breath/alignment to correct and avoid injuries and move from the inside. Her style is practical and hands on. You will receive individual attention, adjustments, and insights to help you deepen your practice. Kathy : Visitez sa page.

Lieu : Walferdange

Notre centre à Walferdange propose du hatha yoga ("Sivananda Yoga"), du yoga pour le dos, du yoga hormonal, un cours du pour les 50 ans et plus et "Mysore-style". Ce cadre chaleureux et confortable fournit une atmosphère intime et merveilleuse. C'est ici où Yoga La Source a commencé. Visitez la page : Walferdange.