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Yoga La Source

Linking Asana, Pranayama, & Meditation

Mardi 23 avril 09:00 - 17:00
Mercredi 24 avril 09:00 - 17:00
Jeudi 25 avril 09:00 - 17:00

Ce programme est enseigné en anglais.

In this workshop, Gregor will show asana, pranayama and yogic meditation as having a common architecture and structural elements as arising out of the Yoga Sutra and other yogic source texts. He will lead us through the following practices:


The kriyas are predominantly methods of purification of the body. They support the work of postures and are especially important for people who live in large cities. They aid in removing contamination from chemical, environmental, electrical, biological and electromagnetic sources.

Led & Mysore Classes

Here Gregor will analyze the many intricate anatomical details of the majority of the postures of the Primary Series while maintaining as much pace as possible. The focus will be on breaking down the various phases of entering and exiting the postures into their constituents. Performing postures safely while understanding which anatomical actions will get us deep into the asanas will prevent unnecessary energy expenditure. Through inducing precision, this format also achieves that conditioning and emotions lodged in bodily tissue are released, preparing us for the higher limbs of pranayama and meditation.

Yoga Sutra and Sanskrit Chanting

The Yoga Sutra is the operating manual of yoga. It is only when we understand the why’s and how’s of yoga that we will practice with confidence and beyond doubt. In this class, we will chant selected stanzas in Sanskrit and a detailed commentary will be given based on Gregor’s four decades of practice and study. The commentary will retain the depth of the ancient treatises but will be fun, relatable and applicable to modern urban life.

"The Yoga Sutra entered my life 39 years ago and since then it’s been a constant companion. It took me a long time to completely understand it but once this had happened, it ended all confusion I had about yoga. Understanding the Sutra gave me complete confidence in how to apply my practices diligently and that I would succeed in due time. The Sutra changed yoga for me from a faith and hope-based system to a science with predictable and repeatable outcomes. It is exactly this confidence and certainty that I would like to pass on to my students. The workshop will be interactive, with ample time for participants to ask questions.”


Pranayama includes some of the most neglected but yet most powerful methods of yoga. Pranayama is the vital link that connects asana to meditation without which the combined benefit of both cannot be harvested. Learn how to use pranayama to harmonize the doshas (humors of the body) and thus attain a state of health and balance as well as how to still the mind, enabling spiritual insight.

Yogic Meditation

Different to Vedantic or Buddhist meditation, yogic meditation contains the same structural elements as yogic postures and breathing and was designed to form together with those an integrated whole. Meditation is the method of bringing your mind into a receptive state so that you can receive higher knowledge that is already there. Yogic meditation is a collection of scientific methods to bring about such awareness. To accelerate spiritual evolution, yogic meditation employs many means amongst which the prime ones are mantra, mudra, bandha, chakra-visualization and Kundalini-raising techniques. The yogic chakras are representations of evolutionary brain circuitry with the lower three chakras representing our reptilian, mammalian, and primate ancestry respectively. By understanding the chakras and skillfully meditating on them, yoga offers the opportunity to activate higher brain centers and propel the evolution not only of the individual but of society as a whole. Kundalini-raising techniques consist of a combination of all other yogic means to raise the life force (prana) to a level where meditation is easy and spiritual insight becomes spontaneous.


Day/Time Activity



kriya, asana practice (led class)
12:00-14:00 light lunch


theory and seated practices
(mantra, mudra, bandha, chakra-visualization and/or Kundalini-raising techniques)



kriya, asana practice (Mysore-style)


light lunch

14:00-17:00 theory and seated practices



kriya, asana practice (Mysore-style)


light lunch

14:00-17:00 theory and seated practices


We're fortunate to offer a wonderful opportunity to study with Gregor Maehle in this three-day workshop intensive. With 28 places available for the morning asana sessions, we will give space priority to those who register for the whole 3-day workshop of 6 sessions. As the afternoon sessions involve theory and seated practices of pranayama, mudra, mantra, and meditation, we can accept more registrations in the afternoon sessions. For those who wish to attend just the morning asana sessions, we reserve the option to refund you if there are others registering later than you who wish to attend the full program but can no longer find space in the morning sessions. Therefore, we recommend if you register in a morning session to also register in that day's afternoon session.
People travel far and wide to study with Gregor. The workshop takes place during the week. Please consider taking a few days off work to enjoy the benefit of having him right here in Luxembourg.

Early-bird payment is required at time of registration. If registration occurs within 5 days of the early-bird deadline, please email us proof-of-payment before the deadline passes.

INFINY Membership fee

This workshop is run under the auspices of INFINY asbl and only publicized by Centre de Yoga - La Source. Payment is made to INFINY, not La Source.

There is a 5 € membership fee if you have not participated in another INFINY asbl workshop in 2019 even if you are only attending a single session. The 5 € membership fee is necessary for insurance purposes.

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations are subject to a 40-Euro administration fee. Payment is fully refundable less 40 Euros if cancellation is done no later than March 9th, 2019. 50% lost if canceled by April 1st, 2019. If you cancel after April 1st, you may only be refunded if you are able to find a replacement for your place even if your cancellation is due to illness.

Style : Ashtanga Yoga Classique

Ashtanga Yoga Classique correspond au texte de "Raja Yoga Sutras" par Patanjali qui décrit les 8 branches vers la réalisation du Soi. Ne pas confondre avec "Ashtanga vinyasa" ou "Ashtanga yoga" qui, en temps contemporain, correspond à une lignée spécifique de hatha yoga. Visitez la page : Ashtanga Yoga Classique.

Enseignant : Gregor Maehle

Gregor Maehle Gregor Maehle began his yogic practices 45 years ago. In the mid-1980s, he commenced annual travels to India where he studied with various yogic and tantric masters, traditional Indian sadhus and ascetics. He spent fourteen months in Mysore and in 1997 was authorised to teach Ashtanga Yoga by K. Pattabhi Jois. Since then, he has branched out into researching the anatomical alignment of postures and the higher limbs of yoga. In India, Gregor also received eight months of mostly one-on-one instruction in scripture and the higher limbs of Yoga through B.N.S. Iyengar, a student of T. Krishnamacharya, and he studied Sanskrit under Professor Narayanachar and Dr Chandrasekhar. Gregor’s internationally acclaimed textbook series (see full bio for titles) have sold more than 100,000 copies worldwide and have been translated into eight foreign languages. Gregor has been invited to many countries to teach and has contributed to and been interviewed by numerous yoga magazines. Today, Gregor teaches an anatomically sophisticated interpretation of traditional vinyasa yoga integrated into the practice of the higher limbs in the spirit of Patanjali and T. Krishnamacharya. His zany sense of humour, his manifold personal experiences, and his vast and deep knowledge of scripture, Indian philosophies and yogic techniques combine to make his teachings applicable, relevant and easily accessible to all his students. Gregor : Visitez sa page.

Lieu : Strassen

Notre centre à Strassen propose de hatha yoga pour tous les niveaux dans les lignées indiennes du Sivananda, de l'Ashtanga et du Vinyasa Krama. Nous y proposons également du Yin Yoga, synthèse du Tao Yin et du hatha, des cours spécialisés pour les personnes souffrant de problèmes de dos et pour les 50 ans et plus. Avec le plancher en chêne, une ambiance chaleureuse, le centre est un havre de la vie urbaine, situé sur la route d'Arlon près de la rue de Reckenthal. Visitez la page : Strassen.