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Yoga La Source

Les Essentiels du Vinyasa Krama Yoga

Samedi 26 novembre 09:30 - 17:30
Dimanche 27 novembre 09:30 - 16:30

Cet atelier est enseigné en anglais.

Vinyasa Krama yoga is an authentic and traditional system of yoga in the lineage of Sri T Krishnamacharya. The practice consists of twelve major sequences. Each sequence contains a classic yoga posture and variations of movement (vinyasa) which lead to the mastery of that posture with systematic practice. Transitional movements between sequences, numerous vinyasas within each sequence and counter-postures bring great variety to a regular practice.

The mental attitudes and breath control required in Yoga are cultivated within the practice.

This workshop will cover the theory and take students through several vinyasa sequences of the practice along with a focus on Yoga Psychology, Pranayama, Mantra, and Meditation.

This workshop is suitable for students of all levels including beginners as well as teachers.

Recommended Texts:

Day/Time Activity



The Essentials of Vinyasa Krama

Theory and practice. Tadasana sequence, a comprehensive sequence that moves all the joints and includes all spinal movements. Trikonasana sequence, an energising and engaging sequence that activates a full hip movement. Supine sequence and Sarvangasana includes the preparation for shoulderstand and the practice of this classic inversion with vinyasas. Integrated with Pranayama and Meditation.

All levels welcome.



The Essentials of Vinyasa Krama continued

Theory and practice. Marma (vital) points in Yoga, the 18 Marma-sthana used for energising, rejuvenating and sense withdrawal. Vajrasana sequence, a selection of postures based on kneeling position with many vinyasas. Dhanurasana sequence, lying backbends including cobra and locust with vinyasas. Seated asymmetric vinyasas, a selection of the important seated positions. Integrated with Pranayama and Meditation.

All levels welcome.



Paschimottanasana Sequence

We go into an in-depth practice of the vinyasas of Paschimottanasana to include all the vinyasas of this sequence. Krishnamacharya indicated that the full benefits of a classic asana only accrue with the application of all the vinyasas. Participants will be able to experience the complete meaning of vinyasa in the process.



Cultivating the Peaceful Mind

The afternoon will have a focus on Yoga psychology with asana, pranayama, mantra and meditation to cultivate the peaceful mind state known as Santa Rasa. The general and specific application of Yoga techniques to manage the mental states will be explained and practiced.

There will be a 15-20 minute break in each session at an appropriate time to suit practice and student comfort.

Cancellation Policy

Payment is fully refundable if cancellation is done no later than October 26th. 50% lost if canceled by November 12th. If you cancel after November 12th, you may only be refunded if you are able to find a replacement for your place.

Style : Vinyasa Krama Yoga

Vinyasa Krama Yoga développe la force et la flexibilité. Elle améliore la circulation du sang, de la lymphe et de l'énergie de vie (prana). C’est une façon simple, agréable et efficace d'exercer toutes les articulations, les muscles et les tissus du corps sans surcharger le cœur. Les mouvements sont lents et synchronisés avec la respiration. La respiration (ujjayi) concentre le mental et l’amène dans un état de paix. En mettant l'accent sur la respiration et le mouvement synchronisé, Vinyasa yoga prépare l'élève à une assise stable et confortable pour les pratiques plus subtiles de pranayama et de méditation incluses dans chaque séance. L'ensemble du processus transforme peu à peu le corps et le mental, dissolvant les anciens schémas de tension mentale et des schémas dysfonctionnels de mouvement. Visitez la page : Vinyasa Krama Yoga.

Enseignant : Stephen Brandon

Stephen Brandon Stephen Brandon has studied Yoga under some outstanding teachers from Sri T. Krishnamacharya’s lineage since 1999, including TKV Desikachar, T.K. Sribhashyam, A.G. and Indra Mohan, Srivatsa Ramaswami (Krishnamacharya’s student for 34 years). Stephen trained in Viniyoga with Ranju Roy and Paul Harvey. Since 2007, Stephen has trained extensively in Vinyasa Krama Yoga and Yoga Philosophy with Srivatsa Ramaswami in India, the USA and the UK and maintains a personal practice in Yoga and Ayurveda. Stephen : Visitez sa page.

Lieu : Bereldange

15a, am Becheler, Bereldange. Avec son plancher de bois, sol chauffé, ses hauts plafonds et une vue sur les jardins, la salle polyvalante de Club Haus am Becheler est un endroit calme et idyllique pour nos cours de yoga. Visitez la page : Bereldange.