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Yoga La Source

Yin-Yang Yoga


For balancing energy, flexibility and strength!

“The practice of Yin-Yang yoga helps us learn about stillness in movement and the flow in stillness.” Sarah Powers

Yin-Yoga is a slower practice where poses are passively held for longer. It works on the deep, dense (Yin) connective tissues and joints in the body. Yang Yoga, in contrast, refers to a more active practice. This works on the (Yang) muscles and blood flow, building strength, stamina and flexibility.

Yin Yang Yoga blends two styles of yoga into one practice – bringing together the benefits of passively holding yoga poses with more dynamic sequences and standing postures.

The practice begins with a few yin poses to calm the mind and to work on the joints before the muscles are warm. The yang movements that follow complement the yin sequence; they serve as counterposes, helping blood, lymph, and chi to flow throughout the body. The yang poses are not so vigorous as to conflict with the yin poses; rather, they build on the increased range of motion initiated by the yin poses. The result is a flowing sequence that will help you to find harmony between both strength and stability, as well as flexibility and freedom.

There are no current courses scheduled. If interested, contact us and we will notify you when such a course is scheduled.