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Yoga La Source

Yoga Weekend with Gregor Maehle

Samedi 16 septembre 09:00 - 17:00
Dimanche 17 septembre 09:00 - 17:00

Ce programme est enseigné en anglais.

Take this wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in the practice and study of yoga with Gregor Maehle right here in Luxembourg.

Registration is for the whole weekend program of four sessions - Saturday, Sep 16th 9:00 to Sunday, Sep 17th 17:00 - with a 2-hour lunch break each day. If you cannot attend all four sessions, email us at with the sessions to which you wish to attend. End June/early July, when we open registration for individual sessions, we will contact you.


Day/Time Activity



Guided Asana Class

Students of all styles can benefit from Gregor’s Led Asana Class. Here Gregor will analyse the many intricate anatomical details of the accessible postures of the Primary Series, while maintaining as much pace as possible. The focus will be on breaking down the various phases of entering and exiting the postures into their constituents. Performing postures safely while understanding which anatomical actions will get us deep into the asanas will prevent unnecessary energy expenditure. Through inducing precision this format also achieves that conditioning and emotions lodged in bodily tissue are released, preparing us for the higher limbs of pranayama and meditation.

12:00-14:00 light lunch


Tantric Meditation

This workshop is based on meditation techniques from an ancient text called the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. This text came down through Kashmir Shaivism and contains 112 dharanas, what we today would call meditation techniques. Many of today’s popular meditation techniques were already introduced in the Vijnana Bhairava.

Most of these tantric meditations are much simpler than yogic meditation and require less effort. There are also many different techniques to choose from. Here is a sophisticated approach that offers a great variety in case a particular technique doesn’t work for a student. This makes this system very adaptable to individual needs and preferences.

Of particular interest are those techniques that deal with realizing ones true nature as consciousness. Consciousness in this context is that what is conscious, rather than that what we are conscious of (i.e. the contents of the mind). Realizing this leads to great inner peace and stillness. In the tradition of the Indian mystic Shri Aurobindo, however, this state is not the end of one’s spiritual evolution but the beginning of its most fruitful phase. It makes us receptive and open to download higher forms of spiritual insight through which we become transformed into tools of universal consciousness.



Pranayama and Kriya

Imagine how great it would be to have a switch that, when operated, would enable you to consciously choose between your right and left brain hemispheres, intuitive and analytical intelligence, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, fight/flight reflex and rest/relaxation, and between the male and female, solar and lunar, aspects of your psyche. How great it would be if, when required, you could switch from being compassionate to doggedly determined. Or from charged with energy to completely relaxed within a few minutes. Or from extrovert (physically present, expressive and outgoing) to introvert (reflective and absorbing) within a short time. This switch does in fact exist and it is not at all hidden. It is the prominently protruding olfactory orifice right in the middle of your face: your nose.

Pranayama includes some of the most neglected but yet most powerful methods of yoga. Pranayama is the vital link that connects asana to meditation without which the combined benefit of both cannot be harvested. Learn how to use pranayama to harmonize the doshas (humors of the body) and thus attain a state of health and balance as well as how to still the mind, enabling spiritual insight.

The kriyas are predominantly methods of purification of the body. They support the work of postures and are especially important for people who live in large cities. They aid in removing contamination from chemical, environmental, electrical, biological and electromagnetic sources.


light lunch


The Bhagavad Gita and Karma Yoga

The main source for Karma Yoga is the Bhagavad Gita, the Divine Song. The Gita itself presents a sophisticated mix of Jnana Yoga (yoga of knowledge), Bhakti Yoga (yoga of devotion) and Karma Yoga (yoga of action). We will learn to chant some of the important stanzas and then analyse the practical lessons for life that the Gita imparts.

Do you remember a time when you knew that your life would be amazing and that you would live to make a meaningful contribution to life on Earth and the life of others? And then what happened? Somehow our education and the process of enculturation cut us off from this sacred knowledge and élan vital. We became cynics and “realists”.

Since time immemorial human societies were organized around the idea that the life of the individual and of society have divine purpose. Our loss of this knowledge is what has led to our environmental destruction and the 6th mass extinction of life as well as the current epidemic of mental disorders.

This workshop not only shows how we lost the knowledge that all life is sacred and purposeful, it also introduces layers of technique to lead us back to finding and gradually implementing our life’s divine purpose (svadharma) and that implementing it is to act in alignment with the Infinite (Karma Yoga).

Also covered are:

  • The practice & psychology of the yoga of action
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • How do we know it’s the right voice?
  • Daily cleansing regime of the subconscious mind
  • Being in the zone and absence of internal dialogue
  • Importance of forgiveness, gratitude, acceptance and surrender


The early-bird rate for the whole workshop until August 1st is €280. Payment must be received by this date or a proof of payment sent. Thereafter, the rate will be €320.

If you cannot attend the whole workshop, email us at your session preferences, and we will contact you whenever we open registration for individual sessions. For individual sessions, early-bird rate per 3-hour session will be €75 until August 15th. Thereafter, the rate will be €85.

INFINY Membership fee

This workshop is run under the auspices of INFINY asbl and only publicized by Centre de Yoga - La Source. Payment is made to INFINY, not La Source.

There is a 5 € membership fee if you have not participated in another INFINY asbl workshop in 2023 even if you are only attending a single session. The 5 € membership fee is necessary for insurance purposes.

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations are subject to a 40-Euro administration fee. Payment is fully refundable less 40 Euros if cancellation is done no later than August 1st. 50% lost if canceled by August 21st. If you cancel after August 21st, you may only be refunded if you are able to find a replacement for your place even if your cancellation is due to illness.

For those traveling from abroad, please insure your accommodation and travel expenses in the event of any possible workshop cancellation.

Style : Ouvert

Pour les cours et les stages qui ne sont pas limités à un style précis. Visitez la page : .

Enseignant : Gregor Maehle

Gregor Maehle Gregor Maehle began his yogic practices 45 years ago. In the mid-1980s, he commenced annual travels to India where he studied with various yogic and tantric masters, traditional Indian sadhus and ascetics. He spent fourteen months in Mysore and in 1997 was authorised to teach Ashtanga Yoga by K. Pattabhi Jois. Since then, he has branched out into researching the anatomical alignment of postures and the higher limbs of yoga. In India, Gregor also received eight months of mostly one-on-one instruction in scripture and the higher limbs of Yoga through B.N.S. Iyengar, a student of T. Krishnamacharya, and he studied Sanskrit under Professor Narayanachar and Dr Chandrasekhar. Gregor’s internationally acclaimed textbook series (see full bio for titles) have sold more than 100,000 copies worldwide and have been translated into eight foreign languages. Gregor has been invited to many countries to teach and has contributed to and been interviewed by numerous yoga magazines. Today, Gregor teaches an anatomically sophisticated interpretation of traditional vinyasa yoga integrated into the practice of the higher limbs in the spirit of Patanjali and T. Krishnamacharya. His zany sense of humour, his manifold personal experiences, and his vast and deep knowledge of scripture, Indian philosophies and yogic techniques combine to make his teachings applicable, relevant and easily accessible to all his students. Gregor : Visitez sa page.

Lieu : Bereldange

15a, am Becheler, Bereldange. Avec son plancher de bois, sol chauffé, ses hauts plafonds et une vue sur les jardins, la salle polyvalante de Club Haus am Becheler est un endroit calme et idyllique pour nos cours de yoga. Visitez la page : Bereldange.