Ashtanga Yoga Weekend Intensive
Friday 23 november 18:30 - 21:00
Saturday 24 november 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 25 november 10:00 - 17:00
Day/Time | Activity |
Friday 18:30-21:00 |
Primary SeriesLed Primary series is traditionally counted (in Sanskrit) in a rhythmic fashion to invoke a sense of flow and concentration as we breathe and move in a unified manner. This will be a full Led Primary Series class from start to finish in celebration and honor of the immeasurable lineage of Ashtanga yoga. Time will also be taken afterward for discussion and Q&A. The Friday session will be held exceptionally at our center in Strassen (147, route d'Arlon). All following sessions will be at Konviktsgaard in the city.
Saturday 10:00-12:30 |
Vinyasa IntegrationIn this workshop, special attention will be focused on moving with conscious awareness in union with conscious breath, otherwise known as vinyāsa. Trouble-shooting areas of instability that may be present, you will delve more thoroughly into how to build strength, with care and attention, building upon internal alignment. Focused points of attention will include practical application of Tristhānam (posture, breath, gaze) into each movement promoting a calm center and accessing sense withdrawal, known as pratyāhāra. Learn to activate and open the energy channels of the body without strain. Discover balance, support and integrity in strength-based postures such as techniques for jumping back and jumping through as well as structural breakdown of challenging poses and transitions. |
Saturday 14:30-17:00 |
Primary Series in Detail - 1st half (from Dandasana to Navasana)Primary Series, otherwise known as, Yoga Chikitsa or yoga therapy, is the foundation of all the sequences of the Ashtanga Yoga system are built upon and thus highly important. Not only is Primary Series the most important series but also preps the body/mind to open to greater states of awareness, concentration and stability. Learn to find steadiness and ease within each posture as we further investigate the intelligence behind the sequencing and the important application of dristhi, bandhas, and breath. In addition, special attention will be focused on moving with conscious awareness proceeding with conscious breath, otherwise known as vinyāsa. Trouble-shooting areas of instability that may be present, learn how to thoroughly build strength, with care and attention, building upon internal alignment. This workshop is appropriate for new and established practitioners and is broken up into two workshop sessions. |
Sunday 10:00-12:30 |
Primary Series in Detail - 2nd half (from Bhujapidasana to Setubandasana)(Description in morning session above) |
Sunday 14:30-17:00 |
Introduction to Nādī ŚhodanaIntermediate Series, otherwise known as nādī śhodana, meaning nervous system cleansing, builds upon the culmination of energy and purification within the practitioner built from the foundation of Primary Series. With deeper backbends and forward bends as well as arm balances, the Intermediate series integrates the use of opposing forces to garner greater unity and strength, both mental and physical, opening the internal light of awareness within each individual. Whether new to the practice of Intermediate Series, or an experienced practitioner, this workshop will invoke new insights and inspire your already existing practice. |
INFINY Membership fee
There is a 5 € membership fee if you have not participated in another INFINY asbl workshop in 2018 even if you are only attending a single session. The 5 € membership fee is necessary for insurance purposes.
Cancellation Policy
Style: Ashtanga workshops
Ashtanga vinyasa is a hatha yoga practice transmitted to Pattabhi Jois from the great yoga master Krishnamacharya. It is for students seeking an invigorating approach that purifies, stimulates and energizes. It consists of postures practiced in a fluid rhythm with a concentrated breath, steady gaze, and internal contractions to direct vital energy. Due to the dynamic nature of this practice, one feels completely energized and purified in each cell of the body and also in the mind. Go to the Ashtanga workshops page.
Teacher: Laruga Glaser
Since a young age, Laruga has been fascinated with mind/body connections and spiritual thought which later attracted her to the practice of yoga in 1996 after a sincere connection and study of yoga philosophy. It was not until she stumbled upon Ashtanga yoga when she began the journey immersing herself into a devoted practice in 1998. She has continued to draw inspiration from her daily visit to the mat along with long-term studies of Ashtanga Yoga at KPJAYI in Mysore, India, practicing under the guidance of the late Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and, who she considers her principal teacher and guide, his grandson R. Sharath Jois. Laruga has made 11 trips to KPJAYI and began her studies there after already 10 years of established practice. An advanced level practitioner and student of yoga as well as a Level 2 Authorized Teacher, Laruga entered into teaching after years of sustained practice and brings with her a combined total over 25 years experience instructing body movement. In turn, she is dedicated to teaching the method of Ashtanga yoga to its fullest capacity cultivating transparency to the tradition and the deeply rich lineage the practice originates, otherwise known as parampara. Through it all, Laruga teaches as an act of deep sharing and love for what yoga develops in each individual, facilitating space to open, challenge, and inspire those to realize their inherent potential. Currently Laruga directs the Ashtanga Yoga program at Yogayama in Stockholm, Sweden and teaches workshops and retreats internationally - -
Go to Laruga's page.
Location: City center: avenue Marie-Thérèse
11, av. Marie-Thérèse, Luxembourg city. The "salle gymnastique" at Résidence Grand-Duchesse Charlotte - Konviktsgaart is a nice, quiet space facing a garden perfectly situated for our yoga classes in the city. It is a few blocks from Hamilius-Aldringen and also has free underground parking. Go to the City: Marie-Thérèse page.