Sivananda Yoga Basics / precise bodywork with Claudia
Saturday 25 february 14:00 - 17:00
A 3-hour detailed and precise practice for a strong and flexible centre and spine.
By developing an outer stability in Asanas (body)...
We open up for an inner awareness (mind)...
which helps to experience the actual Being in the moment (soul).
We practice this not only in all 12 classical Sivananda Yoga Asanas but start already with a specific inner view into the relaxation and then work mindfully through Sun Salutation and several intermediate Asanas.
There will be time for questions and adapted positions or alternatives.
Experience the inner flow of awareness
Next Workshop with Claudia
This is the first of two stand-alone workshops that Claudia will teach with La Source. The second - "Sivananda Yoga Variations" - will take place on March 25th.
The normal price is 55 Euros. Early-bird registration before February 11th is 45 Euros, but payment must be made at time of registration.
Cancellation Policy
Style: Sivananda Yoga
Sivananda Yoga is the style of hatha yoga within the lineage of Sivananda Saraswati. It is for the student seeking inner tranquility and centeredness. In a Sivananda class, after warming up the joints, we do the sun salutation, a cardio-vascular exercise, to warm up the whole body and awaken vital energy. This is followed by 12 core postures and their variations to channel and concentrate that vital energy. Between each posture, the student relaxes for a short time which allows for the vital energy to be reabsorbed. After the postural sequence, we practice yogic breathing exercises to tune ourselves inward. This is followed by a long guided relaxation and brief seated meditation. This sequence brings about the overall sense of harmony and well-being one feels after class. Regardless of whether a student comes into class tired or stressed, the balanced nature of the Sivananda sequence renders that student calm and lucid. Go to the Sivananda yoga page.
Teacher: Claudia Schlegel
Claudia started yoga in 1998 while studying physiotherapy and learned how integrating yoga with physiotherapy affected the body much better than physiotherapy alone. She received her yoga teaching certification in 2002 and meditation teaching certification in 2005. Claudia would like to help her students develop a proper sense of their physical body in order for them to access the more subtle inner self. This would enable a greater possibility for spiritual awakening to take place.
Go to Claudia's page.
Location: Strassen
147 route d'Arlon, Strassen. Our Strassen center offers hatha yoga for all levels under the Indian lineages of Sivananda, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa Krama. It offers Yin Yoga, a synthesis of Tao Yin and hatha, and specialty courses for those with back problems and for those 50+. With oak floors and a warm ambiance, our Strassen center is a haven from the hustle and bustle of city life, located on route d'Arlon near rue de Reckenthal, just 200m from the A6/E25 autoroute. Go to the Strassen page.