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Yoga La Source

The Yoga of the "Jabala Darshan Upanishad"

Saturday 31 january 11:00 - 16:30

Illustrations : Extracts of Sritattvanidhi (an 18th century manuscript)

The Jabala Darshan Upanishad connects Dattatreya, one of the undisputed masters of Yoga philosophy, with his disciple Sankriti to whom he taught the 8 pillars of the Ashtanga Yoga practice in detail.

This Upanishad is a unique text on Yoga from the Sama Veda revealing the techniques and exercises preceding the seminal text of Patanjali. Some scholars consider that this Upanishad could have influenced Patanjali's drafting of the Yoga Sutras.

This series of weekend workshops is based on the study of the text with all the practices that it refers to. This unorthodox Upanishad invites the exploration of deep concepts from yoga generally ignored with a genuine freedom of thought.

Program Content:

  • 10 yamas and 10 niyamas (ethical principals which are listed in the text)
  • 9 types of asanas (postures)
  • the "pilgrimage of prana" or the description of the energy pathways
  • the "refinement of the soul" by pranayama related to the syllable OM
  • the retraction of the senses through prathyahara
  • 5 concentration practices - dharana
  • 5 types of meditation practices - dhyana
  •  the absorption into a state of unity - samadhi

The 9 asanas that are referred to in the Jabala Darshan Upanishad will be practiced in the context of an exploration of the text and not as in an asana class. They are not difficult and can be done by all.

In this system, the emphasis is placed on attaining a state of deep peace, consciousness and awareness. The asanas are practiced with this sole aim as are the pranayama practices. The prathyahara practices bring our perception deep within. Instead of being attracted and diverted by external activities, we start to become more conscious of our inner life.

The concentration practices reduce the instability of the mind, nervousness and mental fatigue. The meditation practices reduce the sense of being separate, lonely, and insecure. The samadhi practice is to realize this state where we experience full integrity, deep security and bliss.

The physical practices stabilize the body to permit the mental practices to bring us into the more subtle parts of ourselves. It's just simply Yoga!

Workshop Goals:

  • To enable teachers and yoga practitioners to discover an entire approach to Patanjali's Yoga through a preceding text, giving a richer meaning to their practice and a deepening of their knowledge.
  • To promote access to a traditional transmission of the classical Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali.


Weekend 1: January 31st & February 1st, 2015, Saturday 10:00-Sunday 16:30

Weekend 2: March 28th & 29th, 2015, Saturday 10:00-Sunday 16:30

Weekend 3: June 6th & 7th, 2015, Saturday 10:00-Sunday 16:30

The weekends are organized by INFINY asbl and are non-residential at Haus am Becheler, Bereldange, Luxembourg.

Day Time Activity
Saturday 11:00 - 14:00 workshop
  14:00 - 15:30 lunch
  15:30 -19:00 workshop
Sunday 07:30 - 08:30 morning practice
  08:30 - 10:00 breakfast
  10:00 - 13:00 workshop
  13:00 - 15:00 lunch
  15:00 - 16:30 workshop

Style: Classical Ashtanga Yoga

Classical Ashtanga Yoga refers to the 8-limb path toward Self-realisation as outlined in Patanjali's "Raja Yoga Sutras". Not to be confused with "Ashtanga vinyasa" or "Ashtanga yoga" which in recent times refers to a specific hatha yoga lineage. Go to the Classical Ashtanga Yoga page.

Teacher: Andre Riehl

Andre Riehl Desiring to participate in the transmission and the preservation of the yogic culture, Andre dedicates himself to transmit authentic teachings combining ancestral knowledge with contemporary attitudes through courses, seminars, and trainings as well as accompanying groups to traditional India. Go to Andre's page.

Location: Walferdange

Our Walferdange center on rue Josy Welter offers hatha yoga ("Sivananda Yoga"), yoga for lower back issues, hormone yoga for women, a Wednesday morning course for those 50+, and an Ashtanga Mysore course. Its warm, cozy setting provides an intimate and wonderful atmosphere and is the home center where La Source began. Go to the Walferdange page.