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Yoga La Source

Chakra balancing: finding harmony within yourself and within the world

Friday 21 march 18:30 - 17:00

Our external world is undeniably a reflection of our inner world. Inner peace, therefore, is a necessary prerequisite for harmonious existence in the external world. Inner peace cannot be pursued, but it ensues only when one’s Dharma (what one essentially is) and Karma (what one does) are in perfect alignment. In this weekend’s journey through a series of individual programs, Ram Vakkalanka will present you with the necessary tools to discover your inner peace, strength and harmony and let it reflect as outer harmony with everything and everyone around you.

Take them all for the optimum benefit or mix and match to suit your requirements.


Day Activity
Friday 18:30-21:30

Dharma & Karma – balancing life and spirituality

Many people think of ‘dharma’ as what they have to do in life. The truth is ‘dharma’ is what you are and ‘karma’ is what you do. If one’s karma is in alignment with one’s dharma, life will be fulfiling; or else, a certain metaphysical emptiness inevitably permeates life. A clear understanding of these simple yet complex concepts can lead to a life of harmony, purpose and fulfilment. We begin this weekend journey with exploration of the four goals of life, the four stages of the life journey, dharma, karma and the critical role of free will in shaping one’s life.

Saturday 9:00-12:00

Inner harmony through chakra balancing

Ram explores each chakra in depth – both as an energy centre as well as a karmic memory centre – explaining how chakra cleansing can help in achieving inner harmony. Each chakra is presented comprehensively  - its descriptive and energetic aspects, bio-chemical functions and psychosomatic aspects along with tools to remove energy blockages and to balance the chakras.

Saturday 14:00-17:00

Sacred vibrations of the chakras

We explore the vibrational aspects of the seven chakras such as the optimum frequencies of the chakras, vibrations of the petals of each chakra including their humanized expressions - called ‘bija mantras’ - along with practical techniques for chanting the mantras accurately to balance the chakras. Oh, one more thing…Ram will reveal the secret behind the total vibrational frequency of all the chakras put together and how it is related to the individual’s span of life.

Sunday 9:00-12:00

Kindling inner energy through mudras

Mudras are specific hand gestures that kindle, seal in and influence the movement of subtle energy in the body. They are like yoga postures for the hands. Mudras can be practiced on their own or used as aids to meditation as well as for chakra balancing etc. Mudra practice can be very therapeutic, calm the mind down and lead to deeper states of meditation. In this workshop, you will learn general principles for the practice of mudras, mudras to balance the five elements, energize food and mudras that help deepen your meditation.

Sunday 14:00-17:00

Inner healing thru Nada Yoga

Nada Yoga is a wonderful confluence of the science of yoga and the art of music. Nada Yoga envisages music as a means of enlightenment by exploring the energy aspect of music. Nada Yoga explores the relationship between 'swaras' (energized musical tones) and the five elements, Chakras, zodiac signs, mudras and gem stones. Balancing the chakras as well as vata, pitta and kapha doshas through Nada Yoga can result in removing energy blockages and inner healing and deeper states of meditation. In this program, Ram will present the spiritual side of music and explain the correspondence between musical tones and the five elements, seven chakras, twelve zodiac signs and other energy aspects of our mind-body system. The participants will learn how to apply mudras, chant beeja mantras and be led through guided meditation on the chakras to the accompaniment of music.

Cancellation Policy

Payment is fully refundable if cancellation is done no later than February 21st. 50% lost if canceled by March 7th. If you cancel after March 7th, you may only be refunded if you are able to find a replacement for your place.

Style: Nāda Yoga

There is something sacred inside each one of us that vibrates in perfect harmony with the Universe. However, the cacophony of our thoughts prevents us from enjoying this inner harmony. Nāda Yoga teaches us how to rise above this noise, go deeper into our heart and discover the inexhaustible source of inner peace and strength there. Go to the Nāda yoga page.

Teacher: Ram Vakkalanka

Ram Vakkalanka Ram Vakkalanka was born and brought up in India in a family dedicated to Yogic style of living. He grew up studying the Sanskrit language, BhagavadGita, Upanishads and chanting Mantras as a lifestyle. In his teens, Ram studied music through the Sitar, eventually stepping it up to Nada Yoga. It was in Canada that Ram met his spiritual Guru and that meeting changed his life completely. In 2010, Ram dedicated his life to spreading the sublime philosophy of Veda and Vedic sciences such as Astrology and Ayurveda. Ram travels around the world sharing his deep knowledge of Yogic philosophy, Sanskrit, Nada Yoga as well as Vedic sciences such as Ayurveda. His teachings are simple but profound, filled with current examples and humor. He has released 24 CDs in four languages, one DVD and an online course about the origin and evolution of Yoga. He has appeared on TV as well as radio on numerous occasions.  Go to Ram's page.

Location: Bereldange

15a, am Becheler, Bereldange. With heated wood floors, high ceilings and a view of the gardens, Club Haus am Becheler's "salle polyvalente" is a quiet and idyllic place for our yoga classes. Go to the Bereldange page.