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Yoga La Source

Ashtanga and Chandra Krama workshop

Friday 27 september 18:30 - 17:00


Day Activity
Friday 18:30-21:30

Chandra Krama: The Moon Sequence

The first session will commence with an introduction about Vinyasa Yoga and the practice of Chandra Krama. The Moon Sequence is a gentle flowing vinyasa form accessible for all levels. Although this sequence was originally intended for practice on the full moon, the new moon and during the menstrual cycle, it is appropriate at any time for women or men. This sequence emphasizes the hips, groin, lower spine and abdominals, which will feel awake and alive after moving through the postures. It takes pressure off the neck, shoulders and wrists (common from the standard jumps in the Ashtanga series) and is useful as a regular alternative to the intense heat of the traditional Ashtanga. Whether old or young, this sequence is great for any age. Some Yoga experience is recommended.

Saturday 9:00-12:00

Jumping Through and Jumping Back

This class will explore the methods and techniques necessary to implement greater ease and ability with jumping through and jumping back. It will begin with a warm up for the wrists and then explore the jumps in Suryanamaskara in a step-by-step manner. Using these techniques as a platform, the progressive application of the jumps in and out of the sitting postures will be developed - both cross-legged and straight-legged. These useful techniques have been comprehensively developed over many years and are applicable for students of any level.

Saturday 14:00-17:00

Back-Bending and Mula Bandha

This class will begin with a short Vinyasa warm-up. This will be followed by exploring variations of back-bending and drop backs. Simple hands on exercises will be provided to increase awareness of the articulation of the lower spine, pelvic floor and psoas muscles. This session will also include some practical advice for understanding and applying the Mula Bandha or root lock and will conclude with a group discussion.

Sunday 9:00-12:00

Introduction to the Intermediate Series

This class will cover approximately the two-thirds of the Intermediate Sequence, beginning in the standard flowing manner. Matthew will then break down the postures and vinyasa giving advice and technique to aid understanding and practice for the future. Students should have a solid foundation of the Primary Series to attend this class.

Sunday 14:00-17:00

Inversions and Beyond

This class will begin with a vinyasa warm-up followed by an exploration of headstand, forearm balance and handstand. A combination of easy-to-follow techniques and a fun atmosphere of learning will infuse this session. This class will finish with a group discussion, some exploration of the subtle aspects of Yoga and a guided meditation to end.

Matthew has recently published an online article that may give you some insight into how he looks upon his approach to Ashtanga Yoga and its various offshoots. You can find it here. In addition, you may wish to visit his own site here.

Cancellation Policy

Payment is fully refundable if cancellation is done no later than July 12th. 50% lost if canceled by August 1st. If you cancel after August 1st, you may only be refunded if you are able to find a replacement for your place.

Style: Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga vinyasa is a hatha yoga practice transmitted to Pattabhi Jois from the great yoga master Krishnamacharya. It is for students seeking an invigorating approach that purifies, stimulates and energizes. It consists of postures practiced in a fluid rhythm with a concentrated breath, steady gaze, and internal contractions to direct vital energy. Due to the dynamic nature of this practice, one feels completely energized and purified in each cell of the body and also in the mind. Go to the Ashtanga yoga page.

Teacher: Matthew Sweeney

Matthew Sweeney Matthew began Yoga as a teenager 25 years ago and has been learning about Asana, the body, meditation, self-development and spiritual practice ever since. He began Ashtanga Yoga in 1992 and has been teaching the traditional method since 1996. In recent years, he has also incorporated alternative sequences into his teaching as a support to the standard Ashtanga sequences. All students are encouraged to work to their own particular level and inclination so that the Ashtanga Yoga and Vinyasa Krama methods can support practitioners of any level. His workshops encompass a broadminded and holistic approach to keep working towards true connection and spirituality. Go to Matthew's page.

Location: Bereldange

15a, am Becheler, Bereldange. With heated wood floors, high ceilings and a view of the gardens, Club Haus am Becheler's "salle polyvalente" is a quiet and idyllic place for our yoga classes. Go to the Bereldange page.