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Yoga La Source

Ashtanga Yoga workshop: Deepening your Backbends

Sunday 25 may 10:00 - 12:00

Registration below


Join us for an immersive Ashtanga workshop focused on backbending, where we will explore techniques to build strength, flexibility, and stability in your spine.

We will first warm up with sun salutations and standing poses. Whether you’re working on deepening your drop-backs, refining Urdhva Dhanurasana (bridge pose), or exploring Ustrasana (camel pose), this workshop will provide the tools you need to progress safely and effectively.

Through breathwork, alignment principles, and hands-on adjustments, we will break down key backbends from the Ashtanga practice, addressing common challenges and ways to prevent injury. Expect a balance of dynamic movement and restorative counterposes to cultivate both openness and control. Suitable for practitioners of all levels, this session will help you develop a deeper understanding of your body and unlock new possibilities in your practice.


Place available

Early-bird rate until May 18

Workshop Cost: 35

Style: Ashtanga-led

Ashtanga vinyasa is a hatha yoga practice transmitted to Pattabhi Jois from the yoga master Krishnamacharya. It is for students seeking an invigorating approach that purifies, stimulates and energizes. It consists of postures practiced in a fluid rhythm with a concentrated breath, steady gaze, and internal contractions to direct vital energy. Due to the dynamic nature of this practice, one feels completely energized and purified in each cell of the body and also in the mind. Go to the Ashtanga-led page.

Teacher: Nathalie Colavitti Blay

Nathalie Colavitti Blay Nathalie became interested in yoga through a documentary of a young girl who explained with lucidity and breathtaking calm how yoga helped her recover from a severe childhood trauma. That spark brought Nathalie to Iyengar yoga classes in 2006 before moving on to vinyasa and thereafter Ashtanga vinyasa whose energizing and soothing practices fascinated her. She also included into her personal practice the shat kriyas - purification techniques that are highly effective for digestive problems, stress and insomnia. In 2016, she graduated La Source’s 300-hour teacher training program. At the request of her colleagues, she gives yoga classes at work. At the same time, she continues her own practice and has attended workshops by senior Ashtanga teachers like Mark Darby, Danny Paradise, Gregor Maehle, Laruga Glaser, Kathy Cooper and Doug Keller. She wishes to share the knowledge acquired and to continue to explore that vast world called yoga.  Go to Nathalie's page.

Location: Strassen

147 route d'Arlon, Strassen. Our Strassen center offers hatha yoga for all levels under the Indian lineages of Sivananda, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa Krama. It offers Yin Yoga, a synthesis of Tao Yin and hatha, and specialty courses for those with back problems and for those 50+. With oak floors and a warm ambiance, our Strassen center is a haven from the hustle and bustle of city life, located on route d'Arlon near rue de Reckenthal, just 200m from the A6/E25 autoroute. Go to the Strassen page.