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Yoga La Source

Vinyasa Krama Yoga with Srivatsa Ramaswami

Friday 12 october 18:30 - 21:00
Saturday 13 october 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 14 october 09:00 - 17:00

Join us for a rare opportunity to study and practice with Srivatsa Ramaswami (left), a Master teacher who was a direct student of legendary yogi Sri T Krishnamacharya (right) for over 30 years. Beginners, students of all traditions, and teachers are welcome.

Vinyasa Krama Yoga is an ancient method of physical and spiritual development revived by Sri T. Krishnamacharya and imparted to his student Srivatsa Ramaswami. It consists of twelve major sequences. Each sequence contains a classic yoga posture and variations of movement (vinyasa) which lead to the mastery of that posture with systematic practice. Transitional movements between sequences, numerous vinyasas within each sequence and counter-postures bring great variety to a regular practice.

The workshop will comprise guided practice sessions and study sessions.

Your personal practice can be adapted to suit your capacity and personal guidance will be available from the teacher.

Recommended Texts:

Day/Time Activity



The first four sutras of Patanjali's Yoga sutra

It is said that the first four sutras of the yoga sutras are the most important sutras of yoga philosophy. The quartet defines what yoga is, what is its benefit and the peril of not doing yoga. These will be discussed in some length and depth in this program.

This first session will take place in our Strassen location. All others will be in the city at Konviktsgaard.




Tadasana and its vinyasas

Tadasana or tree/hill pose is the first major sequence in vinyasakrama yoga and is a comprehensive  sequence dealing with the major muscles and joints of the skeletal system. It consists of a few sub-sequences like the arm movements (hasta/bhuja vinyasas), parsva bhangi (side or spinal exercises), uttanasana, utkatasana and tadasana comprising of about 50 vinyasas done with synchronized breathing.



The six koshas or organs (shat kousika sarira) and how Yoga practice helps to maintain their health

Sri Krishnamacharya would impress upon his students about the need to take care of the six internal organs and systems they support. These are also known as kosas as they are bags or sacs and perform unique functions. What are the procedures in yoga that help these organs or kosas, viz, hridaya kosa or heart and the circulatory (rakta sanchara) system, svasa kosa or the lungs and the respiratory (prana sanchara) system, annakosa or the stomach and the digestive system, mala kosa or the excretory system, mutra kosa or the bladder/kidney and the urinary system, and garbha kosa or the uterus and reproductive system. These will be discussed and the appropriate procedures can be practiced /demonstrated.




How asana, pranayama, and meditation would help a spiritual aspirant

Asanas, pranayama and meditation (samyama) form a close group of yoga procedures that help to deal with the three gunas: satva, rajas, and tamas. Practice of vinyasas and mandatory asanas, different types of pranayama and introduction to dharana, the first step of meditation, will be discussed and practiced, and how these are necessary for spiritual aspirant will be discussed.



Yoga for the three stages of life

Yoga is for life. Yoga is a lifelong practice but the variety of yoga aspects or angas have to be practiced appropriately to meet the changing requirements and goals during the three different stages of life, growth, steady mid-part of life, and the last stages of life.

There will be a break in each session at an appropriate time to suit practice and student comfort.


This workshop is run under the auspices of INFINY asbl and only publicized by Centre de Yoga - La Source. Payment is made to INFINY, not La Source.

There is a 5 € once-a-calendar-year INFINY membership fee even if you are only attending a single session. The 5 € membership fee is necessary for insurance purposes.

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations are subject to a 20-Euro administration fee. Payment is fully refundable (less the administration fee) if cancellation is done no later than September 12th. 50% lost if canceled by September 26th. If you cancel after September 26th, you may only be refunded if you are able to find a replacement for your place even if your cancellation is due to an illness.

Should the workshop itself be canceled, INFINY asbl will refund all workshop fees but will not be held responsible for any additional participant expenses (transport to and from Luxembourg, hotel costs, etc). Out-of-town participants are recommended to acquire cancellation insurance from their insurance agent.

Style: Vinyasa Krama Yoga

Vinyasa Krama Yoga develops strength and flexibility. It improves circulation of blood, lymph and life energy (prana). It's a simple, enjoyable and effective way of exercising all joints, muscles and tissues of the body without stressing the heart. The movements are slow and synchronised with ujjayi breathing which concentrates the mind and brings it into a state of peace. With its emphasis on synchronised breathing and moving, the system prepares the person to sit with steadiness and comfort for the more subtle practices of pranayama and meditation which are included in each class. The whole process gradually transforms the body and mind, releasing old patterns of mental tension and dysfunctional patterns of movement. Go to the Vinyasa Krama Yoga page.

Teacher: Srivatsa Ramaswami

Srivatsa Ramaswami Srivatsa Ramaswami is the longest standing student of the legendary Shri T. Krishnamacharya, outside of the teacher's immediate family. Krishnamacharya's other well-known students include Pattabhi Jois (Ashtanga vinyasa), B.K.S. Iyengar and Desikachar (Viniyoga). After 15 years of intense study with Krishnamacharya, Ramaswami taught Hatha Yoga for 20 years in the form of Vinyasa Krama at Kalakshetra Institute in Chennai while still under his guru's mentorship and continued teaching at the Institute for many years after his guru's passing. He currently teaches workshops and Teacher Training programs in India, Europe, and the US where he currently lives. Go to Srivatsa's page.

Location: City center: avenue Marie-Thérèse

11, av. Marie-Thérèse, Luxembourg city. The "salle gymnastique" at Résidence Grand-Duchesse Charlotte - Konviktsgaart is a nice, quiet space facing a garden perfectly situated for our yoga classes in the city. It is a few blocks from Hamilius-Aldringen and also has free underground parking. Go to the City: Marie-Thérèse page.