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Yoga La Source

Ashtanga Yoga Workshop with Petri Räisänen

Saturday 26 november 07:30 - 18:00
Sunday 27 november 07:15 - 16:00

This workshop is taught in English

Petri Räisänen has been practicing and teaching Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga for more than 30 years.

Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced Ashtanga student, Petri will guide you safely within your limits and inspire you in your practice.

Attention Yoga Teachers & Long-time Students: Petri is also offering a special 3-hour clinic on how to adjust students on Friday, November 25th 15:00-18:00 before this weekend workshop. Click here for details.

Day/Time Activity



Ashtanga Mysore Style

Limit for this Mysore class is 20. Nathalie Colavitti who attended a weeklong workshop this year with Petri will be assisting.



Led Primary Series

We recommend choosing between one of the two morning sessions (Mysore or led primary series).



Yoga Discussion, Asana Technique, Pranayama, Chanting, Meditation



Led Second Series



Led Primary Series

We recommend choosing between one of the two morning sessions (Second or Primary Series).



Yoga Discussion, Asana Technique, Pranayama, Chanting, Meditation


This workshop is run under the auspices of INFINY asbl and only publicized by Centre de Yoga - La Source. Payment is made to INFINY.

There is a 5 € once-a-calendar-year INFINY membership fee even if you are only attending a single session. The 5 € membership fee is necessary for insurance purposes.


The 2-hour morning sessions are 45 Euros early-bird (ending Oct 29th) and 50 Euros normal rate. The Saturday 4-hour afternoon session is 90 Euros early-bird and 100 Euros normal rate. The Sunday 3-hour session is 70 Euros early-bird and 80 Euros normal rate.

Deduct 10 Euros off the total price if taking 4 sessions (one morning and one afternoon session Saturday and Sunday) bringing the early-bird price from 230 to 220 Euros and the normal rate from 260 to 250 Euros (exclusive of the 5-Euro membership fee if applicable).

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations are subject to a 20-Euro administration fee. Payment is fully refundable (less the administration fee) if cancellation is done no later than October 25th. 50% lost if canceled by November 11th. If you cancel after November 11th, you may only be refunded if you are able to find a replacement for your place even if your cancellation is due to an illness.

Style: Ashtanga-led

Ashtanga vinyasa is a hatha yoga practice transmitted to Pattabhi Jois from the yoga master Krishnamacharya. It is for students seeking an invigorating approach that purifies, stimulates and energizes. It consists of postures practiced in a fluid rhythm with a concentrated breath, steady gaze, and internal contractions to direct vital energy. Due to the dynamic nature of this practice, one feels completely energized and purified in each cell of the body and also in the mind. Go to the Ashtanga-led page.

Teacher: Petri Räisänen

Petri Räisänen Co-owner and director of Astanga Yoga Helsinki, Petri has been a regular practitioner in Mysore India since 1996 and received a teacher authorisation from K. Pattabhi Jois and Sharath Rangaswamy (Jois) in 2001. In his yogic path, Petri has studied with many Ashtanga yoga instructors such as Derek Ireland, Radha Warrell, Lino Miele, Gwendoline Hunt, Eddie Stern, R. Sharath Jois and K. Pattabhi Jois. Petri focuses on integrating healing and therapy with yoga, meeting student’s individual needs and guiding their progress. His teaching aims to lead to an experience of deep concentration (pratyahara) and meditation (dhyana). Petri has written two books on the subjects of Ashtanga Yoga. Go to Petri's page.

Location: Bereldange

15a, am Becheler, Bereldange. With heated wood floors, high ceilings and a view of the gardens, Club Haus am Becheler's "salle polyvalente" is a quiet and idyllic place for our yoga classes. Go to the Bereldange page.