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Yoga La Source

Ashtanga Yoga

starts Tuesday 15 june 2021 at 18:45

This class is for those who have already practiced Ashtanga.

Paschimotanasana A, B, C followed by Purvottanasana

Tuesday, June 15th from 18:45 to 20:15 in English.

Set-up for Streaming

After registration, you will receive an email with the preparatory steps necessary to stream the class and the Meeting ID number.

Family members in the same house can participate under one registration.

ATTENTION: Zoom now requires the input of a password after the Meeting ID number. It is now included in confirmation emails.

Style: Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga vinyasa is a hatha yoga practice transmitted to Pattabhi Jois from the great yoga master Krishnamacharya. It is for students seeking an invigorating approach that purifies, stimulates and energizes. It consists of postures practiced in a fluid rhythm with a concentrated breath, steady gaze, and internal contractions to direct vital energy. Due to the dynamic nature of this practice, one feels completely energized and purified in each cell of the body and also in the mind. Go to the Ashtanga yoga page.

Teacher: Denise Pesch

Denise Pesch Denise has experienced the feeling of easiness, lightness, joy and health in life and wishes to impart this wonderful experience to all her students in the varied styles of yoga that she teaches - Ashtanga, Sivananda, Vinyasa Krama, Pregnancy yoga, Yoga for the back and Hormone yoga. Go to Denise's page.

Location: Streaming at Home

Download the zoom app at and follow our instructions to set yourself to stream our classes at home. Go to the Streaming at Home page.