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Acharya Shree Shankar

Acharya Shree Shankar

Acharya Shree Shankar comes from Bangalore City of India. He was born into a family of Hindu priests from the lineage of Adi Shankaracharya, founder of Advaita Vedanta (non-duality).

From a young age, Acharya Shree Shankar started to meditate and could stay for hours in union with the divine. From age 7, he studied deeply the ancient wisdom of India through the Veda, Upanishad, and, later on, he also studied the Bible, Quran and all major sacred books. Still, he could not find the deepest meaning of life in any of the religions.

After his schooling at the M.S. Ramaiah College of Engineering, he left for the Himalayas to find Eternal Truth where he practiced meditation in Rishikesh with several yoga masters. Over the next three years, while pursuing his studies, he repeatedly visited the Himalayan mountains to practice Meditation and had a profound experience of enlightenment that remains with him to this day.

Living and working in Hungary, he dedicates part of his time to teaching Yoga, Meditation and Tantra in the tradition of Non-Duality in order to help everyone reach the same Truth, offering his proceeds to charity. Still today, he has deep knowledge about all the religions but his teachings have gone beyond any religion to become Universal and to spread Peace and Harmony in the world.

Past Events

Awakening of Kundalini Energy

Acharya Shree Shankar

Sat. oct. 20, 10:00 - 18:00
Sun. oct. 21, 10:00 - 18:00

Xxl brahmari


A Course in Inner Awakening

Acharya Shree Shankar

Thu. jan. 25, 10:00 - 18:00
Sat. jan. 27, 10:00 - 18:00

Xxl acharya landscape mini 2