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Yoga La Source

Nidrā Yoga Weekend

Saturday 01 june 10:00 - 17:00

This workshop will be given in French.

André Riehl has come for six years now to teach this beautiful practice that comes from the tradition of Kashmir Shivaism where one searches for the balance between deep relaxation and intense concentration to reach a state of vastness, silence and joy.

Taught in French, the program is non-residential, June 1-2, 2013. The schedule is as follows:

Day Time Activity
Saturday 10:00 - 13:00 workshop
  13:00 - 15:30 lunch
  15:30 - 20:00 workshop
Sunday 07:30 - 08:30 prana krya (dynamic breathing techniques)
  08:30 - 10:00 breakfast
  10:00 - 13:00 workshop
  13:00 - 15:00 lunch
  15:00 - 16:30 workshop

Half the workshop involves André talking about yoga and how it relates to our daily lives. We recommend that you watch some of his YouTube videos. The other half involves relaxation practices where you are lying or concentration exercises where you are sitting.

Please bring a comfortable cushion to sit on during the lecture portion and concentration exercises. For the relaxation practices, please bring a thick mat or a regular mat with an added blanket so that you have a comfortable surface to lie on without moving for an hour at a time. Also, a second blanket to cover you as well.

Cancellation Policy

Payment is 50% refundable if cancellation is done no later than May 1st. After May 1st, you may only be refunded if you are able to find a replacement for your place.

Style: Nidrā Yoga

In Nidrā Yoga, we consciously relax the muscles, organs, bones, sense organs (eyes, ears...), the process of sensing (vision, hearing...), and the various functions of the mind to to come into a field of consciousness where the sense of time, space and Ego all dissolve, and there is nothing left but the experience of oneness. It is very psychologically purifying. The normal ups and downs of life begin to affect us less and less as we attain a joyful equanimity. Aside from relaxation, Nidrā yoga also involves concentration practices to find the balance between relaxation and concentration to trigger this super-conscious state. Go to the Nidrā yoga page.

Teacher: Andre Riehl

Andre Riehl Desiring to participate in the transmission and the preservation of the yogic culture, Andre dedicates himself to transmit authentic teachings combining ancestral knowledge with contemporary attitudes through courses, seminars, and trainings as well as accompanying groups to traditional India. Go to Andre's page.

Location: Bereldange

15a, am Becheler, Bereldange. With heated wood floors, high ceilings and a view of the gardens, Club Haus am Becheler's "salle polyvalente" is a quiet and idyllic place for our yoga classes. Go to the Bereldange page.